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Give Students Positive Career Experiences  

M10 helps businesses strengthen their social impact by offering young people inspiring careers’ experiences.

Closing The Gap Between Education And The Workplace

M10 has been serving schools since 2015. In our mission to help prepare students for the world of work, we've created a series of programmes designed to facilitate a connection between schools and the business community and helps students transition from education to the workplace.

We are looking for businesses to partner with who are socially conscious, and actively looking for ways to participate and invest in the local community.

Get in Touch
Lady in square

Three Ways Your Business Can Help

We are looking for businesses to connect with who are socially conscious, and actively looking for ways to participate and invest in the local community.

Offer male employees opportunity to take part in our mentoring programme.

Online volunteering opportunity
Ten month programme
One hour per month
More info

Showcase your business workplace for students thinking about future careers.

Workplace Visits
Small cohort of students
2 or 4 Hour session
More info

Sponsor a school to enable them to run one of our 'Represent' careers days.

Run by industry professionals
Teaching tools & strategies
Up to 300 students
More info

The Boys' Network

We are pleased to offer your male employees the opportunity to participate in our volunteer mentoring programme. As a volunteer mentor, they will have the chance to make a positive impact on the lives of young people by sharing their skills and expertise and instilling confidence in their mentee to help prepare them for the world of work.

Boys and Laptop
Online volunteering

Simple and enjoyable ONLINE volunteering opportunity - ONE hour, with ONE student, ONCE a month for TEN months.

Develop team Skills

Develop your employee skills including; communication, problem solving, active listening and coaching.

Positive Social Change

Demonstrate your CSR commitment to positive social change by directly benefiting young people in your local community.

Professional Workplace Experiences

Through a combination of workshops, personalised coaching and visits to a variety of industry sectors, colleges and universities, students are able to see how their engagement in education now can propel them into the future they want.

Students at Aston Martin
WorkPlace Visit

Take a small group of students, accompanied by their programme coach, on a tour of your facilities and give them an inspiring experience of the workplace.

Inspire the next generation

Share insights into your industry to help prepare students for the world of work, enhancing their future career prospects and lives.

Raise Business Profile

Your business will be investing in the local community, creating close links with local schools, and raising the profile of your business.

School Careers Day

'Represent' is a one day event that supports the process young people go through in order to promote themselves for the world of work. It's a day of practical workshops led by M10 and supported by a range of industry professionals. Each leader delivers a highly interactive and dynamic workshop for Year 10 students (15yrs old).

School Workshop
Sponsorship Opportunity

If you would like to be known for investing in the lives of hundreds of students, please contact us today to become a sponsor.

EquipPING Students

Workshops help students explore topics such as: Video Communication, Body Language, CV & Personal Statement writing, Interview Techniques, Team Personality Styles, and more.

Invest in your future

Investing in young people is akin to planting a seed. One day, these young people could be your employees. Your investment in them today could add value to your company in the future.

Open Students' Eyes To Different Industries

We are extremely proud to have great relationships with our network of Business Partners. Below is a selection of our current Business Partners and Sponsors.

North of Tyne Combined Authority
Aston Martin
British Heart Foundation
Newcastle College
The Culture Guy
Fuzzy Logic Studio
Home Group
The Pulse Rooms
Arnold Clark Community Fund
A&J Crawford Construction
North Tyneside Learning Trust
Northumbria Police
Partner With Us

Connect With Us

We’d love the opportunity to speak with you about how your business can support M10, and help you achieve your CSR objectives. To arrange a call with one of our team or schedule a meeting, please contact us via the form below. (* Required)

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